Here's the milk a few hours after I added the culture. You can see by the way that it pulls away from the pan when I tilt it that the milk has become the texture of firm yogurt.
Next I drained the cultured milk in a cheesecloth. You can buy something called a ricotta tub that is a conical plastic strainer that sits inside a solid plastic cone. But I found that a salad spinner insert works nearly as well, and way more people have salad spinners than ricotta tubs.
And then, my fanatacism shows through, because I drained my cheeses in a wine refrigerator that I've converted to a miniature cheese cave. But that level of insanity is not at all required. Normal people may drain their cheeses in their normal person refrigerators. I set bowls beneath each cheese to catch the draining whey, but next time I'll just set up one large pan.
Twenty four hours later, the chevre was ready to unwrap and eat. I put a scoop on ingredibly unseasonable (but definitely delicious) red raspberries. See? Even if you live in a middling apartment, and have just your standard kitchen equipment, you can make your own fresh chevre.